
What Will Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden

As an unwilling host to cute, yet destructive, deer for the past year, I've learned which repellent methods work and which don't.

How Do I Keep Deer Away From My Garden?

Over the years, I've had many deer visit my garden. Although they're adorable and charming, they totally lack the ability to pick up on social cues. Using bold and blatant tactics, I have attempted to convey that they have overstayed their welcome. I tried various methods to keep the deer away from my plants and flowers. Some methods worked while others did not. I'll share my experience below.

Recipes for Homemade Deer Repellent Spray

The most effective natural, homemade deer deterrent is a spray made of putrid smells, namely eggs, garlic, and chili peppers. All you have to do is spray the mixture on your plants, and deer will not go near due to the offensive fragrance that the spray gives off. The following sprays have worked wonders.

1. Rotten Egg Spray

Eggs contain sulfur compounds, and when they decompose, they release a putrid gas called hydrogen sulfide. The smell is worse than a bad case of morning breath and will send deer far away from your yard.


  • 3 raw eggs
  • 3 cloves of garlic (you can add more if you want)
  • 3 cups of water
  • 3 tablespoons of milk or yogurt (milk products contain a protein called casein that helps the mixture stick when dry)
  • 3 tablespoons cayenne pepper


  1. Blend the eggs, garlic, milk, cayenne pepper, and water in a blender.
  2. Pour into a container with a lid, and let it sit outside for several days to ferment.
  3. Strain the mixture into a spray bottle, and spray on plants and on the perimeters of your yard or garden. Please save any remaining repellent in a jar, and wash out the bottle after each use because the nozzle will get clogged if not washed properly.

2. Red Hot Chili Pepper Spray

This recipe is courtesy of North Dakota State University horticulturist Ron Smith. This guy knows what he's talking about. Warning: Handle the peppers very carefully—they are extremely spicy. Start the blender at the lowest speed to avoid splashing on yourself.


  • 4 habanero peppers
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil (or vegetable oil)
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt or milk (milk products contain a protein called casein that helps the mixture stick when dry)


  1. Blend the peppers in enough water to liquefy.
  2. Strain the mixture through a coffee filter or cheesecloth into a jar with a lid. Don't skip this step or the solids will clog the spray bottle.
  3. Mix in the olive oil and milk/yogurt. This helps the mixture stick to the plants.
  4. Add the mixture to a spray bottle, and dilute with enough water to get a 1:10 concentration (1 part mixture to 10 parts water).

How to Use Deer Deterrent Effectively

  1. Begin these deterrent methods in early March when deer begin forming their feeding patterns. If you make your yard unappetizing from the start, the deer will steer clear of your garden for the entire season.
  2. Reapply weekly and after a rainfall.
  3. If using a spray, spray in the early morning after the morning dew.
Natural home remedies to deter deer.

Natural home remedies to deter deer.

7 Natural Ways to Keep Deer Away

Try these low-tech and common inexpensive home remedies to keep deer out of your garden. Here's the list of what I tried on my neighborhood deer and how they worked. I suggest you try some of them first before investing too much money in other methods. Using a combination of concoctions seems to work the best. Rotate them often to confuse and confound.

1. Sprinkle Chili Powder on Your Plants

I sprinkled some around my plants and even on the leaves. This worked wonderfully because my plants are still intact.

2. Grow Deer Deterrent Plants

Deer don't like to eat smelly plants, and mint appears to be one of their least favorites, so I plant them around the perimeter of my garden. Other culinary herbs, like thyme, rosemary, sage, or lavender work as well. I went a step further and planted some hot peppers around the perimeter. So far, this border defense seems to be working.

Read More From Dengarden

Other plants that deer hate include:

  • Daffodils
  • Foxgloves
  • Yarrow
  • Onion and garlic
  • Horseradish
  • French marigold
  • Yucca
  • Asparagus

If you are interested in planting deer repellent flowers, there are flowering shrubs that deer hate as well as bulbs that they won't eat. These may be enough to keep them away from your yard forever.

3. Use Irish Spring Soap

Irish Spring soap smells really nice, and some creatures must think so too because many of the bars I set out were clawed and gnawed at. I found remnants scattered about. Could it have been the work of raccoons in cahoots with the deer? Hang unwrapped bars of this strongly scented soap in mesh bags. This could work if there aren't clever, thieving creatures around.

4. Sprinkle Human Hair Around the Yard

The theory behind this method is that if the deer are afraid of humans, the scent might repel them. Next time you get a haircut, ask them to save the clippings. Sprinkle the hair around your plants. If the sight of hair mulch puts you off, you can wrap some in cheesecloth (like a teabag) and hang them.

5. Keep a Dog

Deer see dogs as predators, so the mere smell of a dog is enough of a threat to keep deer far away from your garden. You can spray dog urine in your garden or leave mesh bags stuffed with dog hair around the yard. The only downside to spraying dog urine is that it must be applied every few days and after it rains.

6. Introduce Flashing Lights and Noises

Deer are skittish animals, so reflective light and sudden loud noises send them running. You can try hanging up CDs to create reflection and suspend pots and pans on strings to make clanging noises. However, if deer are hungry enough, they can work up the courage to ignore these sights and sounds, and once they are able to feast in your garden, they will not associate your lights and noises as threats.

6. Fabric Softener Sheets (Least Effective)

I read that if you strategically place these sheets in your garden, pests will avoid it due to the smell. My garden smells freshly washed, but the deer didn't seem to mind.

7. Dried Blood Meal (Least Effective)

This is generally a beef product and comes in powder form. The scent of blood is thought to signal danger is near and send the deer away, but it will also attract carrion-eating birds—I can confirm this. It did not affect the deer, but it did bring crows to my garden. If you do try it, be careful of the amount you use because the high nitrogen content can harm your plants.


Avoid These Flowers and Plants That Deer Like

The following plants and flowers are a deer's favorite. If you want to keep deer away from your garden, avoid planting the following:

  • Hostas
  • Daylilies
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Roses
  • Strawberries, apples, and other berries
  • Hyacinths
  • Pansies and violas
  • Peas
  • Tulips
  • Yews
  • Azaleas
This deer looks like he's determined to jump the fence.

This deer looks like he's determined to jump the fence.

Build a Deer Fence

This is not a cheap option by any means, but it is 100% effective at keeping deer out. You can use either wire or wood; just make sure the fence is at least 10 feet tall, but preferably 12 feet. Deer can and will jump over fences shorter than 10 feet. It's also a good idea to keep the wire and wood spaced 8 inches apart. Anything wider and deer will try to squeeze through.

Tip: Have the fence slant outwards at a 45-degree angle. Deer can jump over very tall fences, but they are unable to cover much distance.

Should I Make the Fence Electric?

This is a great added measure to scare them off but check with your county to see if electric fences are allowed. Keep in mind that electric fencing is an expensive option and isn't needed if you only have a few deer roaming through the area.

Let's start some serious deer scrammin'! Below are inexpensive products that deter deer.

Let's start some serious deer scrammin'! Below are inexpensive products that deter deer.

Commercial Deer Repellent Sprays & Gadgets

1. ScareCrow Motion-Activated Animal Repellent by Contech (Most Effective)

  • Finally—something that works reliably! This motion-sensor water sprinkler works great night and day. It can be set to squirt a narrow area or 360 degrees. Do be careful though. You most definitely will get hit with a jet of water when you're first setting it up.
  • There's no need for smelly sprays.
  • It's fun to watch.
  • Doesn't harm the animal.
  • Uses little water. It shoots a pulse of water for three seconds and repeats after eight seconds if the target is still in the area.
  • Can be connected to other ScareCrows to cover more area
  • Can detect an animal as far as 30 ft away
  • Can be used to ward off cats, dogs, bunnies, kangaroos, and even door-to-door salesmen
  • 2-year limited warranty

2. Liquid Fence and Havahart Deer Off II (Second Most Effective)

  • These sprays are made of all the vilest smelling ingredients imaginable. It seems that deer are very picky with their noses, and they are frustrated by these sprays.
  • The deer have tasted some of the treated plants, but they usually leave the rest alone.
  • In order to ward off the whole family, I end up bathing the plants in the smelly solution; this covers the plants in unsightly blotches of white when dried.
  • It's good to rotate these sprays to keep them guessing. Spray every few weeks and after a rain.

3. Solar NG-001 Predator Control Light by Nite Guard (Third Most Effective)

  • This is a really simple device. It flashes a red light strobe that frightens the animals. It's waterproof and solar-powered.
  • I hung this near my tomato plants, and when combined with the chili powder, I have not had any nibbles.
  • Others have commented that many people have mistaken their strobe light for an advanced security system, so it could also serve as an inexpensive theft deterrent.

4. Sweeney's 5600-6 Deer Repellent, 6 Bait Stations (Least Effective)

  • These bait stations are supposed to be all-season, weatherproof deer repellents.
  • They have a "patented design that triggers the flight response in deer" and are supposedly odorless to humans.
  • Funny thing about these stations: every night, something would take the little bait disk off the metal stake and leave it a few feet away. Lately, I've noticed that there are not only bait stations missing, but the metal stakes are also bent.

Deer Destroying My Plants

Rude behavior: What was once a nice garden is now overrun with hooligans.

Rude behavior: What was once a nice garden is now overrun with hooligans.

Tips for Using the Contech Scarecrow

  • The sensitivity can be set to detect large or small animals and at various distances. It takes a few tries to successfully adjust the sensor eye, and be prepared to get sprayed while trying.
  • Set your scarecrow in position. Before turning the water on, walk across the area you plan to protect. If you can hear the trigger click, you have successfully aligned your scarecrow.
  • If your area has hard water, you may find that a mineral residue forms on your unit. Hard water deposits on mine developed a thin, white crust on the entire unit. You can easily clean this off the sensor eye to ensure correct performance.
  • You may want to anchor your scarecrow with a stake. The mechanism violently shakes when spraying, causing it to shift position if not secured properly.
  • The unit comes with an attachable scarecrow decal. I chose not to use mine because I liked the plain look better. Note: the manual mentions that the decal can frighten small birds.
  • The scarecrow is on a plastic stake. I found it best to make a pilot hole with a metal stake before driving the plastic stake into the hole. This keeps the plastic intact.
  • Over time, the scarecrow can leak. Always check your unit for leaks. If it is leaking often, tightening the hoses or give it a quick clean to stop it.
  • Use a good-quality hose and check for leaks before hooking it up to the ScareCrow.
  • Windy conditions can result in a false activation. Your battery can run down quicker with constant false activations, so do check the battery often. You can do this easily by turning the water off and walking by the activation path. You should hear the clicking of the device if the battery is still operational. My battery lasts for about two months.

How to Fix a Leaking ScareCrow

After three months of continuous use, I noticed the ScareCrow sprinkler head was leaking. Since the water pressure is always on, this was not a good development. I checked the user's manual, and it directed me to disassemble the unit and backwash the sensor head to remove any debris.

Above is a photo of the unit disassembled and the sensor head unit. Notice the white build-up on the outside of the unit? That is because our water is exceptionally hard, so mineral deposits collected on the filter screen. A quick wash with a hose cleaned it out. After reassembling the unit, the leak was gone. Yeah! It still works!

Notice the white film on the exterior of the casing due to mineral buildup from the hard water.

Notice the white film on the exterior of the casing due to mineral buildup from the hard water.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 justramblin

Bill in Michigan on August 31, 2020:

Deer hav been laughing at me for years. This year I ordered IMust deer repellent through Amazon and it was the best solution ever. Deer won't eat anything I sprayed and it is safe for people and pets. Spray bottle and concentrate lasted one season.

Mavis vee on March 31, 2019:

Use Caribbean Hot pepper sauce, plus epsom salts ,with milk( milk has a protein which sticks to leaves when mixture dries) Solution!!! effective!!! One bite of a leaf and Adios!!!

bullwinklemoose on July 04, 2018:

We have pretty good luck with Deer Scram but it requires frequent reapplying and it gets rather expensive. The problem with ScareCrow is that it has to be hooked up to a fully charged hose and if that springs a leak you can waste a lot of water. Also, it only works in a limited area. We use one down by our lake to keep the geese away, which is another problem just as bad as the deer!

Bruce on June 28, 2018:

Scare crow goes off and the deer don't seem to mind it too much.

Tried a number of sprays and home remedies as well.. Thing is, if there are 8 deer and each one has to have a taste, that is 8 chomps on the plant. And they don't remember from one night to the next.

Tim Jones on June 02, 2018:

Shell case works! lol

Deer Cop on March 01, 2018:

Check out the Deer Cop deer deterrent system, the most effective deer deterrent on the market today!!

V on May 20, 2016:

I read through most of your article and would've liked to see prices for the methods you found successful. It was quite thorough otherwise and an easy read! I'm thinking of moving into a more deer infested area and I'm worried I won't be able to keep a beautiful garden!

Kathleen on October 14, 2014:

One problem I can think of though is how do I or others avoid being sprayed too when walking in the area being protected?

justramblin (author) on August 13, 2014:

@ecogranny: Thanks for stopping by.

Kathryn Grace from San Francisco on July 25, 2014:

Yes, I did, and your question makes me chuckle, so thanks for the laugh. I don't currently have a garden, but several of my family and friends do and some of them have endless problems with deer. I know they've tried practically everything, but I'm not sure they've seen the motion-activated water gizmo, so I'm passing this along. Well done, btw. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and the photographs.

justramblin (author) on July 21, 2014:

@ChocolateLily: ChocolateLily, the Scarecrow works well for bunnies, too. You can adjust the range for smaller animals. Good luck with your garden!

dnwaokocha on July 17, 2014:

Very informative and written in a down to earth way that is easy to follow.

ChocolateLily on July 10, 2014:

These tips are great! We've had at least one deer in our yard and a bunch of bunnies. They are all cute until they start eating our plants. We also have a ton of toads, but they don't cause trouble and are so cute!

justramblin (author) on July 06, 2014:

@Christine Dever: yes, you can use it for a small garden and for small critters. The motion detector can be adjusted for small animals so it should keep those pesky bunnies at bay. Good luck with your garden.

Christine Dever on June 21, 2014:

Great lens! Really entertaining to read as well as encouraging. I have a rabbit, or perhaps a groundhog, that has helped itself to my broccoli and cabbage - and then came back for seconds when the cabbage finally started to re-grow! I tried cayenne pepper and that seemed to work a bit, but with all the rain we've had I've run out of cayenne pepper! I bought a scarecrow sprinkler when we lived in the country but never had a chance to try it out before we had to move back to the city (husband's health problems). I thought it would be overkill for my small garden, here, since we don't get deer, but after reading this, I think I will dig it out and set it up to see if I can get that rabbit, who seems to be getting more bold (and closer to the house) every night, to back off! Thanks for the tips and encouragement!

justramblin (author) on June 20, 2014:

@paulahite: Dear Paula, thank you for sharing this on the Green Thumb Facebook page. I really appreciate it. I couldn't respond to you until now because I had a bug with my comments link. Thanks!

justramblin (author) on June 20, 2014:

@DieselJoe: I hope it works for you. Remember to move the light from time to time to keep the deer guessing. Good Luck!

DieselJoe on June 18, 2014:

My neighborhood deer will stare down my backyard dog, and they frequent my front yard to munch on the azaleas. I noticed one of my neighbors had the blinking light Nightguard, so you inspired me to try that. Shoo deer!

williamslaw on May 27, 2014:

Wow, you are so lucky to have the deer on your backyard (minus the nuisance). I might even say that I am jealous of you. You handled them well.

GEMNITYA5 on May 08, 2014:

How Original! Deer looks so innocent, I didn't know they are mischievous also.

I did enjoyed the pictures watching these innocent as well mischievous animals.



Paula Hite from Virginia on April 24, 2014:

Great lens! Unfortunately you've had to become an expert at this, I see.

I shared your lens to day on our Facebook page.

Merry Citarella from Oregon's Southern Coast on February 22, 2014:

Fun and interesting lens. Loved your photos!

Mohan Babu from Chennai, India on November 19, 2013:

I envy you for having such adorable pests. But I know they could possibly destroy the greenery quickly. Very informative for someone who could be sailing in the samde boat as you do.

justramblin (author) on July 15, 2013:

@anonymous: Oh no! Deer seem to be frightened of anything new, so smelly sprays will work for a while, but determined munchers will return once the smell is familiar. That's why you need to switch off frequently. I don't like to recommend mothballs due to their toxicity, but if you are extra careful they could help your situation. (Closed container with holes drilled such as margarine container or coffee can with lid so small animals/kids cannot reach). There are many lovely flowers deer dislike - helps keep the frustration level down.

Hope you have some luck keeping them away.

Doc_Holliday on July 14, 2013:

Well I can really relate to this lens. It gave me a good laugh. Thanks for sharing.

anonymous on July 13, 2013:

@justramblin: Hi again justramblin! Thank you for responding to my plea. Sad thing is that they have done more damage since my original comment. Have to figure how to keep them at bay otherwise there will not be much there to look at this season. ;0)

justramblin (author) on July 13, 2013:

@anonymous: Oh that's too bad! They are incorrigible! Sorry to hear about your lovely landscape. The NightGuard may work for these sneaky deer, but I'd also use DeerOff or a homemade rotten egg spray along with the laser light.

I recommend hanging the light in a different spot every few days, too. You need to keep them guessing! Good luck. I know your yard must be beautiful.

justramblin (author) on July 13, 2013:

@ElsieNew: thanks very much for this tip. My neighbor's huge dog visited my yard several time but that didn't seem to help my situation. Perhaps the coyote urine will do the trick. thanks.

justramblin (author) on July 13, 2013:

@anonymous: Oh no! Isn't it crazy how they love those Knockout roses, thorns and all? I'm sorry to hear about this wide-spread destruction while you were awa, especially your lovely blueberries. They sure enjoyed a delicious meal in your backyard. Hope you can keep them at bay next time. Good luck.

justramblin (author) on July 13, 2013:

@anonymous: Yes, I was able to defend my garden without the ScareCrow for one whole summer, but it just took more work. I found that alternating the pepper spray with Deer Off or a rotten egg-style spray worked well. If you don't alternate, it seems they grow accustom to the taste and smell and eventually start nibbling. If you keep them guessing they seem to stay away longer. Good luck with your tomato plants.

justramblin (author) on July 13, 2013:

@MamaWise LM: Hi MamaWise - yes it works well for rabbits. There is a control to switch on the ScareCrow for small or large animals so those cute little bunnies will have to find another veggie patch to munch on. Good luck defending your garden.

justramblin (author) on July 13, 2013:

@amosvee: Yes, they certainly are cute, but with huge appetites.

anonymous on July 12, 2013:

Help! In the past two weeks, my deer population has seen fit to redesign expensive landscaping along the front of the house. I mean, open the front door and there they sit as if we are disturbing their turn at the breakfast bar. What works best when backing up to undisturbed woodlands? Don't want to spray the neighbors so does the NightGuard work effectively?

ElsieNew on July 10, 2013:

Hi. My garden spot is in an area where the deer cross over almost daily. I got DEER OUT which is dried coyote urine and sprinkled it around the periphery of the garden and I have never had trouble with deer or raccoons eating any of my corn or other vegies. Can obtain on Internet. I love deer, BUT...

wuilyl lm on July 09, 2013:

great lens!

CrazyHomemaker on July 08, 2013:

This is a really great lens. I'll be passing it along to my stepson who has deer problems. He used the spray deer repellent...much too late. The scarecrow sounds like the perfect remedy! Sorry it took a lot of trying on your part. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

raspberries on July 08, 2013:

thanks for the tips!

StrongMay on July 08, 2013:


I don't have the deer problem in my area. You certainly made a fantastic lens I enjoyed reading anyway.

anonymous on July 07, 2013:

@GardenerDon: A nice problem to have! I came home from the beach and the white tail deer in north central WV had eaten my blueberries (4 huge bushes inside a fenced cage!), ate my Hydrangea bush to a nub, ate every leaf on a newly planted Knockout Rose Bush ($40), not to mention the Cyclamen in the planter in the front yard. deer=7 human=0

anonymous on July 07, 2013:

Thanks for the info! Question, was there a particular combination you used that faired better than others? I was thinking of using the habanero spray for my tomato plants as the deer have become quite infatuated with them and choose not to bother others. Wanted to really keep my vegetable garden organic. Because my square garden is against a wall, I think a scarecrow would protect the three sides, but is a little pricey. Perhaps because it works! :-)

MamaWise LM on July 06, 2013:

Awesome! I've tried nearly everything to stop the deer and rabbits from ruining my garden. I am so happy to learn about the Scarecrow sprinkler! Just wish I knew about this 4 weeks ago! Thanks for the great lens!

amosvee on July 02, 2013:

Great lens, wonderful pictures. Yes, your neighbor is bad, but I almost can't blame her. They are awfully cute. I like your gentle approach.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@jknake lm: I like using the homemade sprays too since the store bought ones are so expensive. They do seem to work. I've noticed it's best to use a variety to keep the deer guessing.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@Greathaul2013: Yes, they are such majestic animals and lovely to watch.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@Northerntrials: It's great to hear it works on your pesky cat visitors.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@suepogson: Thanks so much for stopping by and for your nice comments.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@hazeltos: Thanks very much.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@jlshernandez: That's great that they have left your garden alone. Hope they continue to stay away. Thanks for visiting.

justramblin (author) on July 02, 2013:

@Cynthia Haltom: Wow, that does sound like a problem. I haven't had to use the Scarecrow for armadillos, but it does work for small animals such as cats and bunnies so should keep armadillos at bay as well. Good luck with your garden.

LeslieMirror on July 02, 2013:

Oh, how nice they are! =) An interesting way of solving the problem out! =)

MissRubyStars on June 30, 2013:

Great tips!

Gardener Don on June 28, 2013:

A great read, but not too many deer (actually none!) in our town. A nice problem to have I'd say!

jknake lm on June 27, 2013:

Yes, I did. And I think I did it twice because I forgot what your natural remedies were. I like the spray, that must be a real side show. Great lens. I'm learning how to make mine better.

readty7 on June 26, 2013:

This is very useful and will help people . Your pictures are so nice. I love animals.

readty7 on June 26, 2013:

This is very useful and will help people . Your pictures are so nice. I love animals.

Greathaul2013 on June 23, 2013:

Awesome the pics. I'd personally sacrifice my garden for the chance to watch the deer all the time, but I might be a weirdo.

Northerntrials on June 20, 2013:

I like these sprinklers. Though I don't have deer I do have feral cats that decide to have yard fights. Its funny the how yowling changes pitch when the water hits them... Yes it works on cats as well as deer.

GameHelp on June 20, 2013:

They're so adorable but they cause so much trouble. Thanks for the lens.

LUMOSE on June 19, 2013:

Great lens.

suepogson on June 17, 2013:

Excellent lens and I can pinch some of your ideas for my own garden pests - especially the scarecrow sprinkler. . Shame the deer are so destructive though, as they are SO beautiful! Good point about not feeding wild animals - especially when there's plenty of forage available. thanks for all this information - and for a fun read.

Susan Hazelton from Summerfield, Florida on June 17, 2013:

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your lens. Thanks for the terrific tips. Your pictures are amazing.

jlshernandez on June 16, 2013:

Enjoyed your lovely story and how you finally disciplined your deer visitors. We used to have deer visiting our driveway and munching on the shrubs. I have not seen any lately. But I will keep in mind the products you used. Thanks for sharing.

justramblin (author) on June 15, 2013:

@anonymous: Oh Yes! It works perfectly for vegetable gardens. The motion detector does sense motion in a wide angle and can be adjusted to a narrow section as well. I would suggest you first place the scarecrow at a distance of about 15 to 20 feet away from your square garden and directed towards the garden to protect the entire area. If you don't like the way that works, you can place it facing out of your garden - toward the most used path of the deer. This will protect most likely 2 or 3 sides of your square garden, depending on how large your garden is. You might want to move it to the other side after a week just to keep the deer guessing. Hope this answer helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck

anonymous on June 05, 2013:

I am wondering if the scarecrow moves around? Or would it only detect movement on one side of a square garden? And should it work for a vegetable garden as well as a flower garden? Thanks!

Cynthia Haltom from Diamondhead on May 26, 2013:

The deer in my neighborhood are so tame they will just lay down in the middle of the street or on the lawn and take a snooze during the day. My problem with my plant is Armadillos, they nibble and pull plants from the roots. I can't imagine what would prevent them from entering my yard.

justramblin (author) on April 23, 2013:

@LadyDuck: Oh NO! Wild Boars? That's not good. Hope you don't see them too often.

LadyDuck on April 20, 2013:

Nice story and great tips, no deers in our region, but wild boars, they are even worse for the garden.

justramblin (author) on April 17, 2013:

@Klaartje Loose: No you don't have to worry about that, do you? I'll be over for one of those lattes.

Klaartje Loose on April 16, 2013:

Great story and tips.

I don't have to fear deer on my tiny balcony ;-)

Laura Hofman from Naperville, IL on April 12, 2013:

I've had much luck with the Liquid Fence products, especially for bunnies. Like the scarecrow sprinkler idea!

Rosanna Grace on April 05, 2013:

Wonderful article and well deserved LOTD & purple star too. Beautiful pictures. I empathise with the long search for a deterrant. My whole family has helped my mother with similar issues regarding her rude possum family that resides in and destroys her small orchard. :( Such a relief, to find a remedy that works!

hntrssthmpsn on March 19, 2013:

Wonderful. Your pictures of the deer are amazing! I grew up around lots and lots of deer. Deer who were completely undeterred by our seven dogs, bucks dropping the occasional antler on the lawn like a gauntlet. So cute as babies, so regal as adults, and such voracious garden predators. Somehow, the whole time, I never learned that a herd of deer is also called a mob. I love that. It's so very appropriate.

Gardenerman on March 14, 2013:

Although I've never had a deer problem I really appreciated reading your lens. You did a lot of research and in the end were successful in having your deer guests leave! Good job.

Close2Art LM on March 14, 2013:

chili powder should certainly work, great tips

GardenIdeasHub LM on March 14, 2013:

Thanks for your gardening advice and tips. I think it will really help me.

Wayne Rasku on March 11, 2013:

Thanks, I needed this. Last year I had a problem, and before I could remedy it, my tomato plants were decimated. I eventually used some Irish Spring and it helped, but I will be using some of your methods this year, since I have expanded my garden.

Loretta Livingstone from Chilterns, UK. on March 11, 2013:

Very cute deer, but I can imagine your frustration. I, too, used to have a nice garden. Now I have many colourful birds, but they seem to be skinning their sunflower seed hearts (they won't eat them with the shells on, and I thought sunflower seed hearts with no shells would be clean and tidy - how wrong can you get! ) and spitting out the skins on the floor! It looks horrid, but I just love to feed the birds! I can imagine how frustrating a whole herd of deer must have left you feeling. Useful lens, and a good read to boot. A winner for me!

justramblin (author) on March 09, 2013:

@Sunnyd123: Hi Paula. They're cute, that's for sure, but they are a nuisance when they get used to humans feeding them. thanks for coming by.

Sunnyd123 on March 08, 2013:

Wow I really loved this lens, I did not realize Bambi could be such a pain hahaha,We don't see this in the UK so thank you for sharing,They are so cute but i can understand how they could out stay their welcome.

justramblin (author) on February 22, 2013:

@OldCowboy: Yes, having a nice big dog would certainly help my situation. Appreciate your visit, ol Cowboy.

justramblin (author) on February 22, 2013:

@KathyFirak: Thanks for coming over for a visit Kathy. Count yourself lucky for no deer drama.

justramblin (author) on February 22, 2013:

@JLovasz: ah, an electric fence. Sounds good. Thanks for stopping by Jim.

justramblin (author) on February 22, 2013:

@maryseena: You are so right. I wish people would know they aren't helping wildlife. thanks for your comments.

maryseena on February 20, 2013:

I would like to underline your caution- NEVER EVER FEED WILDLIFE. If you want to attract certain kinds of wildlife to your garden, for example, birds and butterflies, have plants which are attractive to them and let then feed themselves. Providing store bought feeds to wildlife tampers with the delicate ecological balance in nature. By the way, I love wildlife in my garden and one of my lenses (I have only two!) is dedicated to them. Attract them or repulse them, but naturally. Thumbs up to your lens!

beachmusic on February 20, 2013:

Fortunately we don't have the deer problem here at the beach, then again.... not having a garden may why we don't have this problem. I know people that do and I think they have tried some of these solutions you have shown.

Resident-Nerd on February 19, 2013:

Very nice lens. I do not currently have a need for this myself but if i ever do i know where to start. Thank you

Wedding Mom on February 16, 2013:

Very helpful lens! Thanks for sharing how to make sure our gardens stay beautiful!

hamshi5433 on February 12, 2013:

Fully enjoyed reading this! lool it's hilarious and cute!!

loving all the deer pictures you've posted here.

anonymous on February 12, 2013:

Really informative lens. Even thought the deer can ruin your garden, they are very pretty intruders!

debra-cornelius on February 09, 2013:

Great lens, loved the pictures and the tips! I Pinned it so I can refer back to it if needed!!!!

smoothielover lm on February 09, 2013:

I know they mess up you garden - but they are sooo lovely - but nice to know there are some friendlier ways to send them packing when you get unwanted gatecrashers!

Carol Fisher from Warminster, Wiltshire, UK on February 08, 2013:

While I sympathise with your problem, you made me laugh particularly with the reminder to make sure the spray nozzle is pointing in the right direction.

rooshoo on February 07, 2013:

This lens is cute, funny, and helpful. I love to garden, but have never had problems with deer.

Judith Nazarewicz from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on February 06, 2013:

Wow really great lens! We used to have so many deer on our property, it was hard to keep a garden going.

anonymous on February 06, 2013:

Great lens. Before condo living we lived in the country on about an acre. I had the same problem with the deer. I like the idea of the motion detector spray.

anonymous on February 06, 2013:

I must say, nice way of presenting a lens. Great work !

OldCowboy on February 05, 2013:

That is some kind of story. Loved how you told a story of the deer family. So the first thing that comes to mind, you must not have outdoor dogs? We have 3 dogs that roam and we allow them access to our garden. I must say they do a pretty good job at keep the deer, rabbits and other critters away from the garden treats. When I was a young cowboy, my grand dad would use the habenero peppers and do like you say, but I only remember the oil for it to stay where he sprayed it. Thanks for the fun story and for the great way to keep the deer mobs away from the salad greens.

KathyFirak on February 05, 2013:

Great information. I don't have deer problems, just mostly rabbits.

JLovasz on February 05, 2013:

Interesting solution. I have been successful thus far with homemade spray and a few posts with bait and electrodes wired to a battery powered capacitor. I may have got an unsuspecting deer with one as it was knocked down. I read an account of a user that caught a deer getting shocked by one on camera and saw it do a back flip!

Everyone else in the backwoods on the river where I live have 10 ft fences around their vegetable gardens. Which has prompted passers-by to ask what keeps the doe eyed buggers out of my garden. Thanks, if my system ever fails the water sounds like a good option.

justramblin (author) on February 05, 2013:

@SlfMstr: Thanks so much. Your opinion means a lot so I"m glad you approve.

What Will Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden


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