24 Terrace Gardens Wallingford Ct Condo For Sale
Beds | Baths | # of Units | Average SF |
2 Beds 2 Beds 2 Br | 1½ Baths 1½ Baths 1½ Ba | 1 | — |
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
* Square footage definitions vary. Displayed square footage is approximate.
About 24 Terrace Gardens Wallingford, CT 06492
Bright, comfortable & fresh! Classic townhome. Pristinely kept. Spacious combination living/dining rm. Cheerful kit has ample cabinetry & counter space. Kitchen opens to the deck &bleafy, level yard. Good sized master BR. Glowing solid hdwd flrs thruout. Lg part finished fam rm on ground level could be converted to a 3rd BR. $200 per month utility surcharge for total $1500 includes heat and hot water. Nice quiet neighbors! Very tranquil and peaceful. Walk to jus bout everything: ultra-fabulous Connecticut Farm Market - the best supermarket ever - bakery, butcher shop, excellent fresh produce, super-tasty prepared meals, homemade soups, extra-fresh salad bar, olive bar, grocery, fresh flowers shrubs and perennials. Amble over to Dunkin, Thai and taqueria joints, health/nutrition superstore, gym, convenience stores. Minutes to endless country destinations, ocean beach, superb New Haven cultural offerings, museums, concerts, galleries, international dining.Easy to historic colonial era Wallingford town center (founded 1670), all services, good dining, night spots, shopping, great parks, golf courses, Wharton Brook State Park, Sleeping Giant State Park. New train depot offers commuter service to Hartford and New Haven, and well as AMTRAK and Acela service to Washington, New York and Boston. Very commutable via Rts 15 and 91 and 691 to New Haven, Hartford, Middletown, Waterbury. Come see! Also available for rent or lease option. See MLS listing 170143106
24 Terrace Gardens is a condo located in New Haven County, the 06492 ZIP Code, and the Wallingford School District attendance zone.
This Property
Available Property
Located in central Connecticut, this neighborhood of homes and rentals sits midway between Hartford to the north and New Haven to the south, a 30-minute commute in both directions via highway or the Amtrak rail system. History buffs love the number of National Register of Historical Places in this town, including the former Meriden Curtain Fixture Company factory, a sprawling red brick building converted into the Charles Street Place Apartments.
Outdoor spaces also hold historical landmark status, such as the world-renowned 1,800-acre Hubbard Park from the designers of New York's Central Park. Meriden provides 24 municipal parks, one of the top 10 public golf courses in Connecticut, and three dedicated trails for hiking, biking, and running.
Residents gather at the award-winning Ted's Restaurant, an area staple for over 50 years and home to the first steamed cheeseburger.
Learn More About Meriden/Wallingford
Below are rent ranges for similar nearby apartments
Colleges & Universities
24 Terrace Gardens is within 15 minutes or 5.6 miles from Quinnipiac University. It is also near Southern Connecticut State University and Albertus Magnus College.
School data provided by GreatSchools The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Grades 9-12
1,074 Students
24 Terrace Gardens is near Tweed-New Haven, located 15.2 miles or 29 minutes away.
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Airports | Drive | Distance |
Tweed-New Haven | 29 min | 15.2 mi |
Walkability Near 24 Terrace Gardens Wallingford, CT 06492
Scores provided by
Points of Interest
Time and distance from 24 Terrace Gardens.
Shopping Centers | Drive | Distance |
Shopping Centers | Drive | Distance |
Strip Center at 850-862 S Colony Rd | 7 min | 1.7 mi |
Strip Center at 630 Washington Ave | 8 min | 2.7 mi |
Strip Center at 565 Washington Ave | 8 min | 2.9 mi |
24 Terrace Gardens has 3 shopping centers within 2.9 miles, which is about a 8-minute drive. The miles and minutes will be for the farthest away property.
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Parks and Recreation | Drive | Distance |
Wharton Brook State Park | 7 min | 2.3 mi |
Sleeping Giant State Park | 21 min | 6.4 mi |
P.L.A.C.E. Multicultural Children's Museum | 17 min | 8.6 mi |
Farmington Canal Heritage Greenway | 20 min | 11.2 mi |
Powder Ridge Ski Area | 25 min | 12.6 mi |
24 Terrace Gardens has 5 parks within 12.6 miles, including Wharton Brook State Park, Sleeping Giant State Park, and P.L.A.C.E. Multicultural Children's Museum.
Military Bases | Drive | Distance |
Military Bases | Drive | Distance |
Naval & Marine Reserve Center | 38 min | 25.7 mi |
New London Naval Sub Base | 86 min | 58.9 mi |
24 Terrace Gardens is 25.7 miles from Naval & Marine Reserve Center, and is convenient to other military bases, including New London Naval Sub Base.
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24 Terrace Gardens Wallingford Ct Condo For Sale
Source: https://www.apartments.com/24-terrace-gardens-wallingford-ct/25f1vzc/
Posted by: whatleyephimagent.blogspot.com
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